CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit
Haley Clay spotlight WOD
CrossFit is that part of my life which allows me to focus on me. I started CrossFit back in September of 2012. As a former gymnast, I was intrigued at how CrossFit uses several gymnastics movements. CrossFit gave me that fun, competitive and friendly environment that I had missed so much. I love the challenge of the variety of movements that we practice daily. I strive for proper form and technique, and it’s amazing to watch the human body adapt to the imposed demands. People who join CrossFit are a different breed, & I feel like I share a positive connection with each person who steps into the gym. And at the end of the day, my husband, Shane, and I can recap on our progress and goals. So, why do I CrossFit? Because I’m a stronger person, mentally and physically , because of it.
Favorite movements:
Hang power cleans
Toes to bar
Hand stand pushups
Bar muscle ups
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
4 Rounds
7 Hand Stand Push Ups (ab mat)
5 Hang Power Clean 155/105
rest exactly 3 minutes
4 Rounds
7 Toes to Bar
3 Bar Muscle ups
400 Meter Run