CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 Minute AMRAP
400 m run (once) remainder of time:
P1: 10 Deadlifts (hold while P2 does WB)
P2: 10 Wallballs
P2: 10 Deadlifts (hold while P1 does WB)
P1: 10 Wallballs
*DL 185/125, WB 20/14
Rest 1 minute:
10 Minute AMRAP
400 m run (once) remainder of time:
P2: 5 Cleans (hold while P1 burpees)
P1: 5 Burpees
P1: 5 Cleans (hold while P2 burpees)
P2: 5 Burpees
*Cleans 135/95
Rest 1 Minute:
10 Minute AMRAP
400m run (once) remainder of time:
P1:5 S2O 95/65 (hold while partner works)
P2: 2 Wall Walks
P2: 5 S2O 95/65 (hold while partner works)
P1: 2 Wall Walks
Runs don’t count for any reps