CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
30-Min Partner EMOTM (36 Rx+)
Partners Alternate complete movements, so each athlete will do every movement, every other round for a total of 3 each)
a) 40 (Unbroken) Double Unders
b) 20 Toes-to-Bar
a) 20 Box Jumps 24/20
b) 20 Push Press 95/65
a) 20 SDLHP 95/65
a/b) 8 Muscle Ups (ring or bar)
Count rounds if all reps are completed within 1 minute. Dubs have to be an unbroken set to count the round. Because Rx+ has one additional movement, they will be staggered after the first round.