CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit
In CrossFit, there are ten recognized general physical skills. Our goal is competence in each of these ten skills. The first four of these skills (endurance, stamina, strength, and flexibility) are improved through training. Training is measurable and creates an organic change in the body. The next four skills (coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy) are improved through practice. Practice creates change in the nervous systems, which leads to improved movement. The final two skills (power and speed) and improved through a combination of training and practice
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 10 minutes
even minutes- hspu (ab mat)
odd minutes- power cleans 135/95
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
8 minute amrap
3 power cleans 135/95
3 hspu (ab mat)
3 burpees
9… and so on