CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit
Please come early to warm-up. Suggested warm-up:
5-10 mins foam rolling
5-10 mins specific mobility
5-10 mins active stretching (dynamic)
5-10 mins run/row/bike
Crossover Symmetry Routine
5-10 mins empty barbell work
Metcon (Time)
This is a partner WOD where partners alternate movements.
For example, the first partner does all 21 reps, then tags partner who does the same before they move on to the 21 reps of the second movement. When the second partner finishes the 9th rep of the second movement then the first partner starts on the 21 reps of the first movement of WOD 2 and so forth. Time stops when partner 2 finishes the 9th rep of the 4th couplet.
For time:
Heavy Fran
Thrusters 115/75
Crossfit Open 18.0
DB snatch 50/35
Burpees (over the DB)
Hang Power Clean 115/75
Push-press 115/75
Front Squats 115/75
40 min time cap