CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
With a up clock:
Emom for 8 minutes, 40/20 seconds work to rest ratio:
-max reps each minute
even-jumping air squats (onto med ball)
odd- strict press 75/55
then rest 2 minutes
3 minute amrap
-max reps Turkish getup’s 35/25 KB or DB
*alternate right to left every rep
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
At minute 18 start:
(change barbell weight/ share a bar if needed)
emom for 9 minutes, 45/15 seconds work to rest ratio:
alternate movements each minute
1st minute- elbow plank
2nd minute- hand stand hold
3rd minute-hold top of dead lift 225/145
*every second is a rep with a possible score of 405