CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit
Please come early to warm up. Group warm up will be minimal.
730-740 group warm-up.
740-750 WOD explanation and personal warm-up.
750-8 muscle ups or muscle up accessory work
8-810 transition and set up
810-829 7 min AMRAPs
30 Muscle-Ups (Time)
30 muscle-ups for time
10 min CAP
Choose one of the following modifications:
A. 30 strict ring dips and 30 strict pull-ups
B. 30 ring negatives and 30 pull-ups or negatives
C. 3 mins accumulated hollow body in ring support and 30 bench dips
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
7 min AMRAP
SDLHP 135/95
rest 5 minutes
7 min AMRAP
7 OHS 95/65