Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) Sprint WOD 2 RFT 10 SqCl 95/65 25 DUs Back Squat (5-5-5-5-5-5-5) Metcon (No Measure) Crossfit Black Ridge Mon WOD 14 min AMRAP 20 Box Jumps 24/20 10 DL 225/145

Partner Wod

Main – Saturday FREE CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Partner WOD: 25 Minute AMRAP 3-3-6-6-9-9-12-12-15-15-18-18-21-21 Round A Shoulder to Overhead 95/65 WallBalls 20/14 Box Jumps 24/20 Round B Double Unders Burpees Partner 1 completes a full round of Round A while Partner 2 completes round B. After both partners are…


Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Weight) Strength E2M for 10 minutes 2 squat cleans / 1 jerkThis is a bar complex so cleans are T&G. I want good form before heavy load. Add weight throughout as wanted. Score is single heaviest complex Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 12 minute AMRAP 6 bar facing burpees…


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) E90S for 30 mins Even – 1 DL @ 85% of 1RM Odd – 45 s AMRAP strict HSPUs (25 pl) Metcon (Time) For time: Accumulate 3 mins of Ring L-Sit Metcon (No Measure) Crossfit Black Ridge Friday WOD

Muscle Up Clinic

Next Thursday the 20th, we are offering a muscle up clinic!! We have two of our best coaches ready to help athletes in their progression to improving their muscle ups. Take advantage of this team to help you! Even if you don’t think you are anywhere close to getting your muscle ups, the coaches have…


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) Clean and Jerk 10 @ 55% of 1RM 10 @ 65% 10 @ 75% 10 @ 85%no time component. no multi-rep sets. Work on speed and mechanics of movement. Metcon (No Measure) Crossfit Black Ridge Thurs WOD 500m Row (Time) Max Effort 500m Row


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) Back Squats 10 reps @ 55% of 1RM 10 reps @65% 10 reps @75% 10 reps @85%1 sec pause at bottom of each squat. 1 at a time. no multi rep sets. Take your time and make sure your mechanics are flawless. Metcon (No Measure)…


Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Core work 4 rounds 60 seconds on 30 seconds off- max reps situpsscore is total reps Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) In 4 minutes complete: 400 meter run AMRAP the remaining time with: dead lifts 135/95 rest 4 minutes In 4 minutes complete: 400 meter run…


Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Bull (Time) 2 Rounds for time of: 200 Double-Unders 50 Overhead Squats, 135# 50 Pull-ups 1-Mile RunArrive early to warm up. women @85lbs 2×1 singles 55 minute time cap