Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Bull (Time) 2 Rounds for time of: 200 Double-Unders 50 Overhead Squats, 135# 50 Pull-ups 1-Mile RunArrive early to warm up. women @85lbs 2×1 singles 55 minute time cap


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Bull (Time) 2 Rounds for time of: 200 Double-Unders 50 Overhead Squats, 135# 50 Pull-ups 1-Mile Run Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 7 min AMRAP MUs


Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) Strength Front Squat 5×5 @65% of 1RMDon’t count warm up sets. 5 sets at same weight every 2 minutes. Use squat racks as available. Metcon (Time) FT: work 60 seconds, rest 60 seconds until you complete 30-20-10 power snatch 115/75 TTB


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) SqCl 10 reps @ 55% 10 reps @ 65% 10 reps @ 75% 10 reps @ 85%There is no time component for this. Plan on 30-45 mins. Every rep should be thoughtful and mechanically sound. If you feel good, go for a 1RM during your…

Tomi Durham- Success Story

Crossfit has been quite a journey for me. lots of up and downs. mostly ups though. I started cross fit a couple years ago but i would only do it for a month or so. this time around has been the first time i have been consistent with it for a while. After i had…


Main – Saturday FREE CrossFit Dove Center fundraiser wod View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) FT: 20 pullups 20 box jump overs 24/20 20 hang squat cleans 115/75 20 push press 115/75 800m run 20 push press 20 hang squat cleans 20 box jump overs 20 pullups


Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Handstand Walk (max distance) Metcon (Time) FT: 200m run 1arm OH KB carry 35/26 25 back squats 115/75 25 plyo pushups 45/25 200m run 1arm OH KB carry 25 back squats 115/75 25 plyo pushups 200m run 1arm OH KB carryYou may alternate which arm you use to carry…


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Weight) E2M for 8 mins Bar Complex 3 DL 3 BB Row 3 HSqCl 3 ThrustersRecord heaviest weight on full complex. Must be unbroken/TNG to count. Metcon (Weight) E90S for 12 mins 1 SqCl 4 FSRecord heaviest weighted complex. Must be unbroken to count. Metcon (No Measure)…

Dove Center Fundraiser WOD (11/8/14)

To support safe and healthy community, please join us for a collaborative affiliate fundraising WOD this Saturday, November 8th, to promote prevention and advocacy efforts of the DOVE Center. Thank you supporting Affiliates: CrossFit Dixie, CrossFit St. George, CrossFit Zion, CrossFit 435, 435 Short Creek, CrossFit Oasis, and CrossFit Blackridge! The DOVE Center has provided…


Main – CrossFit spend 10-12 minutes doing group mobility View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 3 Rounds for Reps 90s on 90s off 90 s Thursters 75/55 90 s Rest 90 s Bar Over Burpees 90 s Rest 90 s KB Swings 53/44 90 s Restmust jump the bar with 2 feet to RX