Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Emotm for 10 min 10 kb goblet squats 53/35 then remainder of minute max effort box jumps 24/20. Score is total box jumps Rest 3 minutes Emotm for 10 minutes 10 DL @135/95 then remainder of minute max effort box jumps 24/20. Score is total…


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Shoulder Press (5 x 5) Metcon (Time) Sprint WOD 400m Run 21 OHS 95/65 Metcon (Time) ForTime: 8 Rounds of Cindy 5 pullups 10 pushups 15 squats rest 3 mins 100 DUs 50 Situps 80 Dus 40 Situps 60 DUs 30 Situps 40 DUs 20 Situps Rest 3…