Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) FT: chipper of death… 30 power snatches 30 back jerks 30 back squats 40 power cleans 40 push press 40 push ups 50 pull-ups 50 sit-ups 50 calorie row 95/6530 minute time cap


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Squat Clean (5 x 3) Handstand Walk (10 mins) Metcon (No Measure) CFBR Fri Chipper Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) EMOTM for 12 mins 1st – AMRAP Power Snatch 135/95 2nd- AMRAP burpee box jumps 30+/30 3rd- AMRAP rope climbsno rest built in. 4 rounds of each move.