Main – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard () Metcon (No Measure) strength emotm for 5 minutes bar complex of 1 squat clean 3 front squatsmoderate weight / focus on form Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 90 seconds work 30 seconds rest for 2 rounds get up setups wall balls 20/14 box jumps 24/20


Main – Comp WOD View Public Whiteboard Back Squat (5 x 3) Warm up sets not included Metcon (No Measure) CFBR Fri WOD Metcon (Calories) 12 min running clock 1 min cal row 1 min 15 KB swings 53/44Total Calories rowed is the score. If the 15 reps of KB Swings is not accomplished within…