CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Weight) Wod “A” In 12 minutes Cash in: 50 burpees then: Build to a heavy bar complex of: 2 push press 2 push jerk 1 split jerk Wod “B” rest until the 17 minute mark then: In 12 minutes Cash in: 50 front squats@ 95/65 then:…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Class times 7&9:30am only View Public Whiteboard Murph (Time) For Time: 1-Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Air Squats 1-Mile Run If you have a 20# vest or body armor, wear it.In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th,…


CrossFit Black Ridge – Saturday FREE CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Rabbit (Time) FT: 500 meter row 20 cleans 40 pull-ups 60 dead lifts 80 wall balls 100 double unders RX 185/125 RX 20/14


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) emotm for 5 minutes 5 TnG power snatches A weight that you are working on proper catch postion and speed under the bar. Metcon (Time) 10 rounds for time: 2 power snatch 95/65 (RXP 135/95) 2 rope climbs 10 burpees (25 lb plate) 30…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 5 minute amrap 400 meter run 20 power clean and jerks 95/65 max rep double unders score is total dub’s Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time: 200 meter run 10 power clean and jerks 135/95 10 ring dips 10 push-ups substitute ring dips…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) tabata 20/10 second work rest ratio 3 times through: dead lift 135/95 flutter kicks plank air squats Metcon (Time) For TIme: 30 dead lifts 225/155 rest 2 minutes 30 wall balls 20/14 rest 2 minutes 30 pullups rest 2 minutes then: 3 rounds: 5…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Overhead Squat (1×5) Coaches spend 10 minutes working on behind the neck split jerk technique. Then in 15 minutes build to your heaviest 1×5 set from the rack or floor. Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time: 10 over head squats 95/65 10 bar facing burpees 8 minute…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Never misss a Monday! Stop making excuses and take control of your health!! #weekone View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Strength 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 5 rounds strict press 75/55 Metcon (Time) 5 rounds for time: 40 situps 20 hang kb snatch’s 53/35 (10R/10L) 40 dub’s…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 25 minute AMRAP 50 shoulder to over head 95/65 50 box jumps 24/20 50 front rack lunges 95/65 50 toes to bar 50 calorie row 10 tire flips