CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) tabata 3 rounds 20/10 second work/rest ratio. Rotate movements every split. Score is total reps. -strict pullups -hand release push-ups -kb swings 53/35 rest 1 minute Helen (Time) 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-ups


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) E30S for 10 minutes 1 Snatch (squat or power) * Use a weight that challenges you but also maintains speed under the bar, Don’t re-attempt misses. Snatch (Build to a 1RM) With the remaining time in class, build to a 1RM,


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Never miss a Monday! View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 30 seconds on 30 seconds off for 3 rounds, For total reps: 1st- 30 seconds back squats 2nd- 30 seconds front squats 3rd 30 seconds overhead squats 4th 30 seconds power cleans 5th rest 95/65 Metcon (Time) For time:…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 25 Minute AMRAP Increase 1 repetition each round for 25 minutes. (1-1-1, 2-2-2, 3-3-3, 4-4-4…) Power Clean and Jerk 135/95 Body Blasters (Burpee-Pullup-Toe2Bar) Hand Stand Pushups


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit 7:30&9:30am classes View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) For Time: 6 rounds 7 hang power snatches 95/65 7 overhead squats Then 6 rounds 15 kb swings 53/35 15 sit-ups


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Happy Thanksgiving, Thank you for the community we’ve created! I love you all. Thanks for your love and commitment to CFBR!! Class times are 7:30 and 9:30am only! View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) For time: “Gobble Wobble” cash in: 800m run 5 rounds: 80 double unders 15 thrusters 95/65 cash…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit 2017 reminder only do one afternoon class pre thanksgiving View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) speed wod 3 rounds 8 toes to bar 8 shoulder to over head 115/75 8 bar over burpees 6 minute time cap Metcon (Time) At the 12 minute mark For Time: 40 toes to bar 30…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) E30S for 10 minutes 1 dead lift at approx 75-85% rest 3 minutes and go right into squat cleans Squat Clean (1 rep emom for 10 rounds) Score is heaviest single attempted anytime throughout


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Holiday schedule.. Thursday and Friday the 24/25th, 7:30am and 9:30am classes only, Babysitting available 9:30am classes View Public Whiteboard Metcon (No Measure) In under 10 minutes perform with a partner. 3×10 each, partner leg tosses 4×30 second each, weighted elbow plank Metcon (Time) 30 air squats 200 meter farmer carry…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 28-Minute Partner AMRAP: Alternate movements each round and they switch. A-10 Deadlifts B- 5 Thrusters A- 10 Box Jumps 24/20 B-5 Bar-Facing Burpees AB -Run 200 (Both Partners) Weight: o-7 Minutes: 155/115 7-14 Minutes 135/95 14-21Minutes 115/75 21-28 Minutes 95/65 Rx+…