CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Weight) With a up clock: E2M for 5 rounds bar complex of: 2 dead lifts (no switch grip) 2 hang power cleans 2 push jerks *build to heaviest complex *coaches at the 15 minute mark reset the clock and start DT DT (Time) 5 Rounds for…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Never miss a Monday! View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 4 minute amrap 10 wall balls 20/14 60 foot bear crawl rest 3 minutes 4 minute amrap 3 wall walks 60 foot bear crawl rest 3 minutes 4 minute amrap -front squats 115/75 *No getting barbells out until the…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Tabata is a 4 minute round consisting of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest/transition. Usually the Tabata is done with the same movement for the whole 4 minutes. We will use 8 different movements (1 for each 20 second interval). We will rest 1 minute and…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Calories) 20 minute amrap Teams of 3-4 11/8 calories on assault bike 1 rope climb 30 second static hand stand hold *everyone starts from the bike * as soon as first person gets off bike the next starts *modifyed is 2 climbs *total team calories is…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Thankful Thursday View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) For time: 10 rounds of: 10 bar facing air squat jump overs rest 30 seconds each round then: 3 rounds for time: 8 sumo dead lift high pulls 12 front squats 16 push press 95/65 *22 minute time cap *movement standards are… face…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Yoga at 645pm with Ty Clark View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Weight) From the racks In less then 12 minutes build to a heaviest set of: 1 right forward lunge/ 1 left forward lunge Barbell is back racked, also no lunges on a ab mat, knee sleeves are ok. Metcon (Time)…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Bench Press (5-5-5-5-5) E3M for 5 rounds build to your heaviest set of 5 Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Emom for 10 minutes even- is max hand release pushups odd- is max shoulder press 75/55


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit Its flipping October!! Beach trip coming soon… then the holidays right around the corner.. its a good time to be committed to your training! View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) With a up clock: Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of: Bar-facing burpees Then rest 7…


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) 10 minute AMRAP 2,2,2;4,4,4;6,6,6…ascending by 2 Overhead Squats 95/65 TTB Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 7 minutes 10 minute AMRAP 2,2,2;4,4,4;6,6,6…ascending by 2 Deadlift Hang Power Clean Push Jerk 135/95


CrossFit Black Ridge – CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) In teams of 4 row 5000 meters & 300 thrusters 75/55 -splits of 250 meters -partition thrusters as needed -only one team member may do thrusters at a time. -workout completed when rowing and thrusters are finished.