141229 Gordie Dotson Spotlight WOD

Main – CrossFit Gordie Dotson JR spotlight wod View Public Whiteboard Metcon (Time) sprint wod: 2 rounds for time: 6 TGU 53/26 (3R/3L) 40 DU 3×1 singles Metcon (Time) E3M for 18 minutes (6 rounds) 2 squat cleans 185/125 30 DU 200 meter run 3×1 singles Score is your slowest round. If you cant make…

Athlete Spotlight Holly Simmons

Holly Simmons spotlight WOD Metcon (Time) 3 RFT: 5 power cleans 155/110 15 hspu 5 power cleans 15 ttb 5 power cleans 15 wall balls 20/14 5 power cleans 15 burpees 30 minute time cap If you hit time cap just put total reps in comments. Athlete Spotlight Holly Simmons: “What I love about CrossFit…

Melanie Cowden – Athlete Spotlight

STRENGTH: EMOTM for 6 minutes 3 dead lifts (heavy) Score is total weight lifted over 6 minute period. Reps can be T&G or dropped every rep. Spend 5 minutes warming up and building up weight. Metcon (Time) 21-15-9 wall balls 20/14 kb swings 53/44 dead lifts 225/145 “This month marks my one year “Crossfit anniversary.”…

Bryan Winder Athlete Spotlight

MONDAY WOD AT CFBR: BRYAN WINDER ATHLETE SPOTLIGHT WOD!! WE THINK YOU’RE GREAT, BRYAN!! E3M for 12 minutes (4 rounds) 10 unbroken back squats Score is total weight lifted over 40 reps. Take weight from floor. Change weight through sets as desired. If you cannot make 10 unbroken squats without dropping weight then you cannot…

Emily Wilson Athlete Spotlight

Athlete Spotlight: Emily Wilson’s WOD We will be spotlighting athletes every couple of weeks and programming the WOD around their crossfit favs. We are sure proud to know you and train with you Emily Wilson. See her spotlight below!Metcon for Time:50-40-30-20-10 Power Clean 95/65 Sit Ups Double Unders 3 X 1 SinglesFrom Emily: “I have…

Cory Hickman Athlete Spotlight

For TIME: Run 400 M 20 KB Swings 53/35 10 Burpees 5 Pullups Run 800 M 40 KB Swings 20 Burpees 10 Pullups Run 400 M 20 KB Swings 10 Burpees 5 Pullups Run 800 MCorey’s Spotlight: WE THINK YOU ARE GREAT COREY!! Thanks for being a positive influence to all of us at CrossFit…

Veronica Matautia Athlete Spotlight

  5 RFT 20 Deadlifts 165/115 15 Situps 10 Power Cleans 165/115 15 Situps I spent the better half of 7 years with numerous health issues that kept me in an “I can’t” frame of mind. My husband would bug me to just come to Josh’s garage, and when it opened the box. I would…