Main – Saturday FREE CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
30 Minute Ascending Clock:
1 Mile Run (after completing the run,
start exercise based on the clock.)*
Minutes 5-10: AMRAP double unders
Mins 10-15: AMRAP situps
Mins 15-20: AMRAP KB Swings (53/35)
Mins 20-25 AMRAP Burpees
Mins 25-30 AMRAP Hang Cleans at 95/65
Rx+ (Hang cleans at 135/95)
As soon as one partner returns from the run, they can start to accumulate reps for their partnership. Only one person working at a time.
*If the first person finishes their mile run in 6:30, they would have 3:30 to get as many DU reps as possible. If the first person in a partnership finished their mile in 10:00 minutes they would not have any time for double unders and would therefore start on situps…
Score is the partnerships total combined reps for all 5 exercises.